We believe being Christ in the World means confronting and standing up to injustice of all kinds, actively caring for people in need, and taking care of our earth.

We strive to live out this call in three ways:


Offerings are incorporated into our annual Perspectives (adult education) calendar to grow our awareness and understanding of injustice and suffering in our midst, and to reflect on how we are called to respond.

Fundraising for Just Causes

Each year we raise funds for both local and worldwide justice and healing efforts. Recent beneficiaries have included: Hidden Genius and Radical Monarchs, organizations that work to empower youth of color; East Bay Jewish Family Services, which works directly with refugees from Afghanistan and Central America; and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, which works to provide relief in places suffering war and environmental disasters. Click here for a list of causes we support


Being Christ in the World requires hands on work and tending relationships within and beyond our church walls. One of the ways we do that is by organizing meals through the San Francisco Interfaith Winter Shelter program. We are also active participants in the Grace and Restoration Project, a coalition of Presbyterian churches dedicated to dismantling racism.