Media Use Policy

Sharing photos and videos of parishioners and events at Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church is a privilege for us, and we intend to respect and honor it. Our mission of radical inclusivity means sharing photos that represent the warmth of our community and also holding space for those who want to be part of the vibrant community in person but not online.

In this digital age, the church takes many pictures of baptisms, choir performances, worship services, Perspectives classes, special events, and community outreach projects. We use these pictures to record, to promote, and to celebrate our church community and ministries. Pictures are used on bulletin boards, in slideshows and PowerPoint presentations, in printed publications, and on our church website and social media.

  • Printed publications may include church newsletters, bulletins, brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

  • Online sharing may include church newsletters (online and email version), website, Facebook page and groups, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ page and YouTube channel.

  • Photos and videos are almost always of people in church or public spaces, and/or at church-sponsored or public events.

    We will not knowingly post anything that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to anyone in a photo or video.

    We do not identify children or youth by full name in the photos and videos we use in our online and printed publications without approval from a parent or legal guardian.

    To ensure the privacy of children and adults, the use of full names requires verbal approval for adults and written approval for children from the parent or legal guardian via our Name Release Form.

    If copyright for a photo or video is held by someone other than Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church, we will receive permission from the copyright holder to post it and gladly provide credit if desired by the photographer.

    SAPC will not knowingly use another’s name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness, on or in products, merchandise, or goods, or for purposes of advertising or selling, or soliciting purchases of, products, merchandise, goods or services, without such person’s prior consent, or, in the case of a minor, the prior consent of their parent or legal guardian. 

    We will gladly remove any photo or video upon request from our online sites. If you see a photo that includes you or your child and would like it removed from the site, please call 415.664.2543 or notify the site administrator at with the details.

  • Some persons may choose not to have their photos, or photos of their children, used and we respect their wishes. Therefore, we are providing a Media Opt-Out form for individuals or families who prefer NOT to have photographs of themselves used by the church. If you have no objection to the use of your photos, you do not need to sign or return this form.

    Copies of this form are available in the church office and online.

  • We ask for your respect in return. Unless otherwise indicated, photographs and videos are the property of and are copyrighted by Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church and may not be used for any purpose (including but not limited to downloading, printing, distributing, or linking) without permission from Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church.

    We grant permission for limited sharing of our media and content. We invite you to share YouTube Videos, website articles, and Facebook stories on social media. You may link to our posted content but may not download and share content on a personal web page without permission. Please add attribution to Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church for any media you share with permission.

    Please call 415.664.2543 or write to us at 1329 7th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122 if you have any questions or concerns about our Media Use Policy. You can also send an e-mail to