Sunday Worship
Our service begins at 10 AM and typically ends around 11:15 AM. You can expect to hear congregational chants and hymns, scripture readings, the choir singing, and a sermon. Each Sunday, we end with communion—all are invited to gather in a circle, but if you do not wish to receive, simply place a hand over your heart when the servers get to you. Our unity is not found in our conformity but in our diversity. Following the service, join us for coffee, treats, and conversation in the Social Hall. Children are always welcome in worship, and we also have childcare (for ages 3 and under) and Sunday School (for ages 4 and up) available each week of the school year (September - May).
Virtual options:
Our Sunday worship is live streamed on Zoom. Join our mailing list to receive the link.
We also produce a contemplative recorded version of the service featuring the week's sermon and prayer chants.