Perspectives @ 11:30 (May 14 & 21)

"A Slice of Religion and Psychology: How Attachment Theory Might Help Guide SAPC to a Bright Future"

This two-part class is an offering to shine a light on the overlap between religious, spiritual, and psychological realities in these times of transition for our congregation. As an experienced psychotherapist and enthusiastic member of SAPC, Pauline Jarakian would like to suggest that our capacity to build a robust new era for SAPC with the call of Jenna Meyers as our Pastor might be strengthened by a shared awareness of basic Attachment Theory. Attachment Theory explains that whether we have fairly secure or insecure attachment styles such as anxious, avoidant, ambivalent or dismissive, these ways of relating impact and determine the quality of our relationships - to self, to family, to work, to community, and to God. We will identify and brainstorm ways in which we at SAPC foster secure attachments. Handouts will be given out as we get closer to the date for those who want some insight into the topic and a flavor for what's to come.

Facilitator: Pauline Jarakian is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with decades of experience doing clinical work, supervision, consulting, and teaching. She looks forward to sharing her ideas and exploring the topics with you.


Companions on the Inner Way Retreat


Holy Week