Perspectives: Holding Onto Hope!

Join Carol Campbell on February 11th and 18th at 11:30 after worship! In this two-part series, we will explore what psychologists and theologians tend to say about holding onto hope when despair is in the wings. How can we bear witness to tragedies and apocalyptic warnings at every turn, without getting lost in depression, rage, anxiety, and hopelessness? How can we as Christians live our lives with genuine trust in the goodness of God’s creation, and model for the world how each of us can be part of the solutions to the staggering problems we face?

Carol Campbell has been a member of SAPC for 12 years. She is known to be a friend of the unfamous rapper, Stuart Shipp, who helps promote stewardship awareness in our congregation. Carol lives in Oakland with her wife, Jane Meyer, who is our church Treasurer. When Carol is not on Zoom with her psychotherapy patients, she is probably walking, gardening, working on her book, reading, or enjoying Jane’s cooking. She enjoys leading Perspectives classes and hopes you will join in.


Ash Wednesday @ 7:30PM Tonight


Perspectives: Mendelssohn's Elijah, Old Testament Drama in Music